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September 27, 2009



I think you are not quite right and you should still studying the matter.


I liked your site, you are very interesting to write. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Thanks for the nice comment, Antivirus_man


The news you tell about the Department of Prehistory and Europe, British Museum,is really good and also right the have the knowledge and the experience so their saying is absolutely right and great,and about the Andrew Haigh,is useful and good to read,great to allcoate.This is good to read the details that you told.


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Thanks very much for the analysis of the site that we laeuchnd. It was a collaborative effort, which involved the work of many, some people I still don't have the names of. I want to give them all credit for their hard work on the site eventually. Everything the Portable Antiquities Scheme produces, we want to share as widely as possible. Our database of 410,000 objects found by the public of England and Wales (and overseas visitors) is made available for anyone to search (it is rather slow, but I am rebuilding that!) and for academics to reuse. We give away our data with just a call for attribution back to the source. What we're recording is a legacy of the destructive nature of archaeology be it professional intervention or amateur metal detecting.I'm not sure everyone in the archaeological sector will agree with how the website was built, methods used etc. However, I built this at the cost of the domain names in 12 hours after I was informed by the boss that we were showcasing online. Standing on the shoulders of others, you can really produce good quality web sites quickly, and I hope people have enjoyed it. The site will keep developing and be embellished with the full object records in due course. In terms of IT cost, I have a budget of a34-5k per annum, which I spend on hosting and bandwidth fees it's shoestring stuff. Our Scheme costs a31.3million a year to employ circa 50 people. It is great value and allows us to appreciate things like the hoard. Sorry, probably gone on a bit there!Here's to a great day for archaeology.Dan


Jenn, I think this is brilliant. We are crazy about not leinttg Christmas get out of control for Fox but it is so hard. Hard as a parent and hard to keep grandparents in line ! I remember a Christmas when I was about 13 or 14 that I had spent about 2 hours opening gift after gift and sat there with a MOUND of clothes and other goodies piled behind me ..and I sat there thinking . is this it . That Christmas keeps ringing in my ear over and over again at the mear thought of what I was given and how I felt about it. I DONT want to recreate that in Fox. I love this idea .I just might steal it !


I used to do the same with magazines. I would dog ear pages and keep each one and then never look at them again. Mostly with ftsiens and parenting mags. I had to stop all my subscriptions and refuse to get any more to break my habit. The day I threw them all out was sad and liberating.My mom was a magazine collector too. She had Women's Day mags from the 70s in her house as recently as 10 years ago!

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