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January 14, 2007



Hi.I was hoping you might be able to post the flloowing Classic Car Show on your website.Thanks.Ben GorensteinGuilderland Chamber of Commerce 3rd Annual Souped Up on Guilderland and Classic Car Show ContestCAR SHOW! SOUP CONTEST!Altamont Orchards October 10, 20096654 Dunnsville Rd. Altamont, NY 12009Car Show from 10am-2pm Featuring hotrods, classics, antiques, customs, foreign, trucks and bikes. Best of show awards Dash plaques and swag bags (fully loaded goody bag) to first 50 cars $10 per car (includes 1 soup ticket) Additional soup tickets will be available at $5 eachSoup Contest from 11am-2pm Featuring Chef Carmine Guilderland’s finest restaurants Vote for your favorite soup, stew or chiliLive entertainment from 1pm 4pm Featuring Renee Lussier & BranchwaterApple picking, crate maze, haunted house, cider and doughnuts and much, much more….For additional information on this fun and exciting event, please contact the Guilderland Chamber @ 456-6611 or visit tasteofguilderland.comAltamont Orchards is located @ 6654 Dunnsville Rd. Altamont NY 12009

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